SFF president sends condolence to Djibouti FA president on the passing of his beloved father.

The president of Somali Football Federation, Ali Abdi Mohamed, has sent a message of condolence to his Djiboutian counterpart Souleiman Hassan Waber, on the passing of his father Hasaan waberi Boah on Sunday morning.

President Mohamed, expressed his sadness over the passing of the football administrator’s beloved father.

“My thoughts are with my brother Souleiman Waberi, his family and relatives and i hope that my words of support will somehow help deliver some solace and peace at this difficult moment” Somali Football Federation president said in his condolence message.

The president wished the deceased father of brother Souleiman Waberi, to rest in peace and prayed to the Almighty to have mercy on him and make paradise Fardowsa his home. Ameen.

We all belong to Allah and to him we shall return.

Somali football media department

Email: media@footballsomalia.so